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Hey, I'm Meg :)

I’m so happy that you found my little corner of the yoga world, it is so good to have you here <3


This practice has my heart. Yoga found me at a time in my life when I needed it most, since then it has been a constant companion through life’s ebs and flows and my consistent guide back home to myself. 

That is what this practice is to me - a homecoming - a means through which we can return to our bodies, to our hearts, to ourselves.

I hold a deep fascination towards the wisdom of our bodies and our ability to know ourselves deeply, I am forever grateful to those who brought yoga into my world and inspired me to explore this depth of knowing. I hope to share this journey with you lovely beings.

My style of teaching is intuitive and deeply embodying, I always strive to celebrate our bodies ever fluctuating states. I believe that when we tune into our own inner and outer seasons we can connect deeply with ourselves. Honouring our bodies cycles returns us home to the ease and wholeness that has always been within, but that can sometimes get lost amidst the noise of everyday life. 


My promise to you is to ALWAYS meet you exactly as you are, and to celebrate and honour your changing being each time you step onto your mat. I hope to nurture a safe haven for you to simply be, to shift away from how something looks, into how it feels instead. Away from fear of judgement into the safety of exploration. Away from doing and instead, simply being. 

I hope to see you on the mat soon <3

With so much love, 


Let's Connect <3

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